Articles by Emilia Benton

Mileage: Sometimes Less is More

Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up.

Nine Ways Running Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Running can help boost your energy and mood, which can make it a great way to start your day feeling optimistic and charged before getting to work.

Can Running Help Improve My Mood?

For many people, running is a hobby in addition to something they do to benefit their health. As a result, it’s easy to push it to the back burner when life starts to get hectic and stressful. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed with work and family life, carving out a small part of your day […]

How to Train for Unpredictable Conditions

How to train so that you can handle whatever race day throws your way. 

Person running on a trail, trail running tips, how to train for a trail race on a road
How to Train for a Trail Race on Roads

Four ways to get trail-ready on your usual road.

How to Run With a Phone

Here’s our advice for running with your phone in tow.

Training for New Terrains and Climate

If you’re aiming to hit a time goal (or want to suffer as little as possible during the race) it’s best to incorporate elements of challenging new terrain or climate during training.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Treadmill Runs

Here’s a secret—the treadmill can actually help your outdoor runs.

How to Keep Your “Easy Runs” Easy

One of the biggest mistakes runners make when training for long distances for the first time is doing their easy and long runs too fast.

How to Fit Running Into Your Busy Schedule

Tips on how to fit running into your busy schedule. Remember something is better than nothing.

Man running outside, how much time does it take to train for a race,
How Much Time Do I Need to Train for a Race?

Every runner is different, so make sure to always listen to your body first. Get a training plan, take your time, and meet your race day with confidence!