Did you know there are over 30 activities you can log using the Runkeeper app? This comes in handy when you go to track your participation in the Dubai Fitness Challenge.

Your fitness journey starts here. Learn how to track your workouts with the ASICS Runkeeper App.

The ASICS Runkeeper app has your back in more ways than one. Let this be your guide to making the most of your workouts with app.

Did you know there are over 30 activities you can log using the Runkeeper app? This method comes in handy when you want to log your cross-training activities.

Here are the absolute basics to getting started in the app. Signing Up/Logging In Most of you are already signed up and logged in, but for those of you who’re really just getting started, we’ll touch on this quickly. When you open the ASICS Runkeeper app for the first time, you’ll see the Sign Up screen, […]

Want to run faster, longer, or need a challenge after hitting a plateau? It sounds like interval workouts might be just what the doctor ordered. Intervals are a type of workout that alternates periods of high-effort exercise with lower-intensity recovery. They are a great way to increase the overall intensity and improve endurance or speed […]
You ever want to start a run, but not really start a run…. What I mean is you head out the door all pumped and jacked to crush some pavement, but then you’re like, “Nah, I need a minute to warm up them rocket boosters.” Then, when you’re feeling good about everything, and get that pep […]

At Runkeeper, we’re all about using data to gain valuable insights into our fitness journey. And because of that, we’re slightly obsessed with all things Withings. That’s why we partnered with them once again to bring you the #ActiveBody challenge, which is inspired by their full composition smart scale. You may be wondering, what exactly […]

It’s not always easy to tell exactly where your latest run falls in your spectrum of workouts, especially if you’ve been running for years. Was your latest run your best yet? Or does it pale in comparison to a similar trip from two years ago? If only there was some kind of way to know […]

Hey everyone! Hope you’re making great progress on your New Year’s Resolutions! We’re back again this week to give all you new Runkeepers a bit more insight into some features you might not know about yet These are systems that most Runkeeper veterans may know well, but as the saying goes, you learn something new […]