Articles by John Platt

John: From a Cane to a 1,667-Mile Journey to the 2015 NYC Marathon
I started 2014 with one goal…walk the distance of 52 marathons in 52 weeks. Simple enough, 1,362.4miles in 364 days. What I didn’t expect was the life-altering process I set into motion. For 6 months prior to 2014, I worked closely with my doctors, therapists, and anyone who could offer advice. I was in uncharted […]

Walking 52 Marathons in 52 Weeks
This year my goal is to walk the distance of 52 marathons in 52 weeks. That’s 1,362.4 and more than 2.5 million steps for the Multiple Sclerosis Community. The Background But before I take another step with Runkeeper, let me tell you a bit about what brought me here: It’s January 2003; I’m in my […]