We loved your positive response to our My First 5K plan, so we’ve brought you My First 10K—and more. Introducing Guided Workouts in the ASICS Runkeeper app, our most exciting feature launch yet! It’s a product that took months of user research and assessing your feedback to learn what you wanted from your running app. We aim to provide motivation from expert coaches while teaching you how to be mindful during workouts and practice good form—all while truly enjoying moving your body. Guided Workouts are meant to give you the confidence to take fitness into your own hands, no matter your level or where you are. So, what can you expect?
Types of Guided Workouts you’ll find in the Runkeeper app:
- Live Uplifted: An exploration of what it means to be a runner (spoiler: anyone who runs is a runner, no matter your pace or distance), the small wins of running, and uplifting your mind
- Getting Started: Featuring our original guided workout plan, My First 5K, and the new My First 10K from Coach Erin. Both plans are designed for the absolute beginner (or a rusty) runner.
- Warm Up: Five minute positive running self-talk and race visualization exercises to help you approach your next run or race with the right mindset
- Sound Mind: Learn new skills based in performance psychology in this mindfulness practice that you can take on all your runs
- Sound Body: Informational runs all about fueling/nutrition (these are kind of like podcasts)
- Just For Kicks: Some fun miscellaneous runs to keep things interesting
- Find Your Why: A series of inspiring and encouraging workouts that help you look beyond even the physical and mental benefits of running
- Mindset of a Champion: In these podcast-style runs, ASICS athletes share their stories about overcoming setbacks, trusting your process, and staying focused
Keep an eye out for new Guided Workouts to come in the future!
Where can I find the Guided Workouts?
Click here on your mobile device to check out the Guided Workouts.
Why you should try a Guided Workout
If you are a little hesitant to try a Guided Workout, you are not alone. We commonly heard from users that they’d never run with a coach in their ear before. However, after trying one they said “I liked it way more than I thought I would!”
What Guided Workout should I try first?
A great place to start is to try out one of our “Warmup” Guided Workouts. These are 5-minute warm-up runs that can be done at any time and at any pace to help you mentally and physically prepare for your next run or race.
All Guided Workouts can be tailored to your fitness and energy level. Not feeling the jog warm-up today? Try walking and working slowly up to a jog. You can ramp up or dial back the intensity at any time!
What else is there to know?
- All workouts are time-based and can be done in Stopwatch Mode. This means they’re indoor running/treadmill friendly! Just tap the settings gear in the top right of one-off workouts and plans to switch to Stopwatch Mode. No distance-based workouts at this time, but we’re looking into it for the future.
- You can choose your playlist before the workout begins.
- All the workouts use relative effort (no specific paces), meaning they can be tailored to any runner’s level. Some do include walking and we call those out in case you’re advanced or want an all-running workout.
- Workouts range from about 20-45 minutes, with some shorter warmup workout options.
- You’ll know upfront exactly how long a workout will take so you can fit it into your busy schedule. Note: The workout won’t end automatically, so even when the audio ends, you can keep running if you want to!
Guided Workouts are available now in the most recent version of the Runkeeper app. Let us know what you think and as always, happy running!