How to Keep Running When Traveling November 22, 2021By: runkeeperapp The simplest solution is to run early before the itinerary of the day fills up.
How to Name Runs and Assign Categories in the Runkeeper App November 8, 2021By: runkeeperapp Name and categorize your running workouts so it's easier to look back on your progress over time.
GEL-NIMBUS, GEL-KAYANO, or GEL-CUMULUS: Find a Running Shoe That Fits November 4, 2021By: runkeeperapp The GEL-NIMBUS, GEL-KAYANO, and GEL-CUMULUS running shoes share similar traits. No matter which one you choose, you will have a good run!
Runkeeper App Tip: Cross-Training and Manual Logging November 3, 2021By: runkeeperapp The Runkeeper app will support you no matter how you train.
Embrace Life’s Detour: A Runner’s Diary October 19, 2021By: runkeeperapp Find out how a former college athlete, father of three, and philanthropist embraced life’s detours to become a runner, and eventually a successful marathoner.